Saturday, April 20, 2013

OTPC Update News

Version 2.10 of the OnTarget Precision calculator was released in February 2011 and has proven to be very stable with few problems. Over the last two years I have made several changes to the program to correct problems with the target printing and data export functionality, along with some general improvements.

Until now I have only passed the new version, OTPC v2.14, along to a select few users that were having specific problems with v2.10, and it has performed as expected. At this time I would like to expand testing of v2.14. If you are a registered user of OTCP v2.10 and would like to test v2.14 please Email Me and I will send the download link. I would like to have about 50 users do the update so I can track the process and correct any issues that crop up.

After successful testing I will be releasing the new software with an updated help system and full list of improvements.

- Jeff

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